ASSC 17 Schedule

ASSC 17 Schedule of Talks

(Each talk links to its discussion page on the forum)

Friday July 12

 09:00-12:00 Tutorial M1: Dienes, "Using Bayes to interpret non-significant results"

09:00-12:00 Tutorial M2: Seth and Kanai, "Integrated information, predictive coding, and qualia"

09:00-12:00 Tutorial M3: Windt, "First-person methods: Philosophers' dreams or researchers' nightmares? Perspectives from philosophy and the study of dreaming"

09:00-12:00 Tutorial M4: Carmel, "Measuring (un)awareness"

13:00-16:00 Tutorial A1: Droege, "Investigating animal pain and consciousness"

13:00-16:00 Tutorial A2: Gennaro, "Representational theories of consciousness"

13:00-16:00 Tutorial A3: Tononi, Koch, Tsuchiya, and Oizumi, "The Integrated Information theory of consciousness"

13:00-16:00 Tutorial A4: Tong, "Deciphering the information contained in patterns of human brain activity"

16:30-17:15 William James Prize lecture: Schurger

17:15-18:00 Presidential address: Andreas K. Engel

Saturday July 13

09:00-10:00 Keynote 1: Fried

10:30-12:30 Symposium 1: ch. Brown, "The role of prefrontal cortex in conscious experience".
    Talk 1: Malach, "Local neuronal “ignitions” and perceptual awareness"
    Talk 2: Levine, "There are no unconscious phenomenal states"
    Talk 3: Rahnev, "Higher order attentional contributions to subjective perception"
    Talk 4: Brown, "Consciousness without first-order representations"

13:30-15:00 Special Roundtable: Tononi, Koch, Marcus, Goldman, and Firestein, "Debating the integrated information theory (IIT) of consciousness"

15:30-17:30 Concurrent sessions 1.1: Attention & Time Consciousness. Robertson, Isham, Bastian, Shafto, Lin, Carmel.

15:30-17:30 Concurrent sessions 1.2: Embodiment, Extended consciousness, and Higher-Order Theory. Beaton, Farennikova, Schlicht, Miller, Yan, Gennaro.

15:30-17:30 Concurrent sessions 1.3: Consciousness & Unconsciousness. Gosseries, Sitt, Cleeremans, Opstal, Seth, Sklar.

17:30-18:30 Keynote 2: Gallagher

20:00-22:00 Special Event in honour of G.M. Edelman

Sunday July 14

09:15-10:30 Keynote 3: Kastner

10:30-12:30 Symposium 2: chs. Blanke and Metzinger, "Projecting bodily consciousness: How the body affects consciousness in personal, peripersonal and interpersonal space"
    Talk 1: Salomon, "Body-building-awareness: Bodily factors shaping our consciousness"
    Talk 2: Serino, "Spatial boundaries of Body-self Consciousness"
    Talk 3: de Vignemont, "Seeing other people’s bodies"

15:30-17:30 Concurrent sessions 2.1: Feeling, Consciousness and decision-making. Maoz, Windt, Kouhsari, Farber, Snider, Charles.

15:30-17:30 Concurrent sessions 2.2: Metacognition. Arango-Munoz, Lau, Song, Palmer, Koizumi, Sherman.

15:30-17:30 Concurrent sessions 2.3: Perception. Sandberg, Larkum, Wilke, Hugrass, Persuh, Mudrik.

17:30-18:30 Keynote 4: Cavanagh

Monday July 15

09:30-11:30 Symposium 3: ch. Melloni, "Beyond the contrastive method: How to separate the neural correlates of consciousness from its precursors and consequences"
    Talk 1: Melloni, "Distilling the Neural Correlates of Consciousness"
    Talk 2: Dehaene and Charles, "Using MEG to track conscious access and its non-conscious consequences"
    Talk 3: Pitts, "Isolating NCCs that are necessary and sufficient for visual awareness "
    Talk 4: Block, "Core vs. Total NCC"

12:30-14:30 Concurrent sessions 3.1: Consciousness, Access, and Subjective Confidence. Mogi, Pinto, Shevlin, Chang, Silverstein, Fleming.

12:30-14:30 Concurrent sessions 3.2: Consciousness, Self, and Unity. van Gulick, Jennings, Droege, Mroczko-Wasowicz, Edelman, Brook.

12:30-14:30 Concurrent sessions 3.3: Miscellaneous. Bor, Terhune, Kouider, Winkielman, Lamy.

16:30-18:30 Symposium 4: chs. Owen and Peterson, "Ethical implications of detecting covert awareness in disorders of consciousness"
    Talk 1: Naci, "Using fMRI to assess conscious awareness in patients with disorders of consciousness– practical considerations"
    Talk 2: Bor, "Using multiple neuroimaging techniques to assess the quality of conscious awareness in DOC patients"
    Talk 3: Young, "Obstacles at the interface between advances in cognitive neuroscience and clinical practice"
    Talk 4: Peterson, "Conceptual foundations for assessing decision-making capacity in disorders of consciousness"
    Talk 5: Weijer, "Navigating the transition between research and treatment when integrating novel neuroimaging techniques in medical practice"

Tuesday July 16

09:00-16:00 Satellite Symposium: chs. Gepshtein and McDowell, "Perception and action in immersive worlds."


ASSC 17 Social Events

Friday July 12 19:00-21:00 Welcome reception (Sheraton Veranda)

Friday July 12 21:15-23:00 Student Social (The Grant Grill, 326 Broadway, Downtown San Diego)

Saturday July 13 12:30-13:30 Mentor Lunch (Sheraton, Harbor 1 Room)

Saturday July 13 22:00-23:00 Post-event reception (Sheraton)

Sunday July 14 19:00-23:00 Sunset Reception & Banquet (Hotel Del Coronado, 1500 Orange Ave., transport provided)

Monday July 15 19:30-23:00 ASSC 17 Afterparty (South Beach Bar and Grill, 5059 Newport Avenue #104, Ocean Beach, San Diego)

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